Need to easily clone user group/user group permissions

Posted 8 months ago by Tim Myrick

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Tim Myrick

We have a utility-partner specific BI dashboard that we're setting up for multiple external utility personnel to log in and view stats and information pertaining to the work we're performing for them. To restrict access to each utility's specific dashboard, I need to be able to clone/copy a user group/user group permissions in order to restrict access to the individual dashboards that each should have access to. As the BI info isn't constrained to only a user's associated Facility Owner constraint that the UI DigTix dashboard honors, I will need to make partner-specific dashboards and will need to rely on user group permissions to lock each down to their own data.

The way this would have to be performed now is tedious, time-consuming, and prone to error. One must create a new user group, then open two instances of DigTix, reflecting the user group permissions of the new one and the one wants to clone. One must then scroll each side and perform a by-hand comparison between the two pages to see what permissions are set in the existing group one wants to clone, then checking the same boxes in the new group. It's a lengthy and tedious process that's error prone, and could seemingly be resolved by just cloning an existing group, allowing one to name the new group something appropriate.

Thank you

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